2022 EUTEMPE-RX Modules for Medical Physics Experts in Radiology

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Ακολουθεί το μήνυμα για την έναρξη των EUTEMPE-RX modules για το έτος 2022.
Με εκτίμηση,

Dear colleagues and friends,
We were happy to meet with you online during our educational webinars and master classes, but we are even happier to announce the restart of the EUTEMPE-RX modules.
As before, EUTEMPE-RX modules feature extensive online preparation prior to onsite teaching in small groups – a maximum of 25 people – hosted in the department of the module leader. This is a unique mix of home preparation followed by the onsite part, where there is the chance to participate in practicals, site visits and discussions, and take advantage of local networking in a European centre of expertise.
To get a flavour of what we offer, join us for the EUTEMPE Ateliers during the 4th European Congress of Medical Physics in Dublin, August 17-20, 2022. Check out the program here. Register at https://www.ecmp2022.org
The first upcoming EUTEMPE-RX Module helps you ‘Achieving higher quality in breast X-ray imaging’. Your module leaders are Ruben van Engen and Ioannis Sechopoulos. The online part is available from July 1st, 2022, onwards. The onsite part takes place in Nijmegen, Sept 12 – 15, 2022.
The next EUTEMPE-RX Module is on ‘Occupational dosimetry in diagnostic and interventional radiology: Personnel dosimetry and competences for MPE with RPE responsibilities’, by Markus Borowski and Martin Fiebich. Online preparatory teaching starts in Sept 2022. The module brings you to Braunschweig (and the wonderful city of Berlin), from Oct 24 – 28, 2022.
Registration is possible via the EFOMP website.
There are plenty of opportunities to become a better trained Medical Physics Expert in radiology in 2022. Claim your place today. Be welcome, be our guest !!!
On behalf of the EUTEMPE-RX network,
prof. Hilde Bosmans, Leuven, Belgium
University Hospitals of the KU Leuven, Belgium
Department of Radiology & Department of Medical Radiation Physics
Tel + 32 16 34 37 51