Medical Physics Expert feedback on EFOMP Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Quality Control Protocol

Αγαπητά μέλη,
Σας κοινοποιούμε το μήνυμα της Έφης Κουτσοβέλη, Secretary General EFOMP καθώς και του μηνύματος του Ruben van Engen, Chair EFOMP DBT QC Working Group.
Με εκτίμηση,

Dear NMO Presidents and Delegates,
Please find below a message from the chair of the EFOMP Working Group (WG) “Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Quality Control Protocol”.
Kindly distribute the draft version 0.11 of the protocol to your members.
Best regards,
Efi Koutsouveli
Secretary General
European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics
An EFOMP Working Group (WG) entitled “Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) Quality Control (QC) Protocol” was formed in April 2019 under the EFOMP scientific committee and is chaired by Mr. Ruben van Engen (NL). The expected outcome is a QC Protocol for DBT systems which will provide recommendations for the medical physics community (EFOMP committees & National Member Organisations).
Attached is a pre-final version of the EFOMP Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Quality Control protocol. In this protocol the working group has tried to give clear descriptions of all QC tests and proposed some limiting values. We would like to ask individual MPE’s to try the measurements in the protocol and indicate where texts and figures should be adapted to make the descriptions of methods of measurements more clear. Furthermore we would like to have feedback on the proposed limiting values and, if possible, to receive measurement values (with anonymized location of the QC test). All other feedback will also be appreciated. This information will be used to adapt the protocol and improve its usability.
We would like to receive your feedback and testing results before September 2022. You can send this to the chair of the working group: .
Thank you for your cooperation.
Ruben van Engen
Chair EFOMP DBT QC Working Group